Contains: Abide with Me (EVENTIDE); All Glory, Laud and Honor (ST. THEODULPH); All Hail the Power (CORONATION); Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN); Come, Christians, Join to Sing (MADRID); Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (HYFRYDOL); Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR); Crown Him with Many Crowns[in D] (DIADEMATA); Crown Him with Many Crowns [in E-flat] (DIADEMATA); Fairest Lord Jesus (CURSADER'S HYMN); For the Beauty of the Earth [in G](DIX); For the Beauty of the Earth [in A-flat] (DIX); Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GORSSER GOTT); Holy, Holy, Holy (NICEA); I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord (ST. THOMAS); I Sing the Mighty Power of God [in A] (ELLACOMBE); I sing the Mighty Power of God [in B-flat] (ELLACOMBE); My Faith Looks Up to Thee (OLIVET); O Come, All Ye Faithful [in G] (ADESTE FIDELES); O Come, All Ye Faithful [in A-flat] (ADESTE FIDELES); O For a Thousand Tongues [in G] (AZMON); O For a Thousand Tongues [in A-flat] (AZMON); O Worship the King (LYONS); Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (PRAISE MY SOUL); Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN); Rejoice, the Lord Is King! [in C] (DARWALL'S 148TH); Rejoice, the Lord Is King! (in D-flat] (DARWALL'S 148TH); Sing Praise to God [in D] (MIT FREUDEN ZART); Sing Praise to God [in E-flat] (MIT FREUDEN ZART); We Gather Together (KREMSER); When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (HAMBURG)
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