3-5 octaves level 3- Lloyd Larson has written your handbell choir's Easter morning opener with Thine Is the Glory, for three to five octaves of bells. This celebratory anthem is a glorious arrangement of the beloved tune, and will require little effort on the part of your ringers. Don't let the bell chart fool you -- after nine bars of a modulating fanfare, the rest of the piece stays soundly in C major, with the rare accidental thrown in. Your bass ringers will love the middle section where they get to pound out the melody. Open your Easter service or spring concert with this work and set the tone for a celebration of music and life.
- Handbells Octaves:
- 3 Octaves
- Handbells Octaves:
- 4 Octaves
- Handbells Octaves:
- 5 Octaves
- Themes / Church Year:
- Easter
- Themes / Church Year:
- General
- Handbells Level:
- Level 3
- Digital / Print: