FREE Curriculum for Sing Out, My Soul (Marques L. A. Garrett)
Dr. Jamie Hillman/Dr. Dan ForrestDescription
Downloadable (PDF) educational curriculum for BP118 Sing Out, My Soul (Marques L. A. Garrett). Written by Dr. Jamie Hillman and Dr. Dan Forrest.
Includes composer/lyricist bios, questions for reflection and discussion about the text and music, and performance skills/artistry suggestions. Designed to help choral educators with lesson planning, these materials will also be helpful for any conductor's score study, or discussions with choirs leading to greater insight, understanding, and musicianship.
Free download (simply add to cart, and check out, without payment) and may be freely duplicated for use with your choir. Written for the SATB version, but will also be helpful with the SSA version.
- Digital / Print:
- Digital
- Product Type:
- Educational Curriculum