Free Harmonizations for Hymn-Singing II
Howard HelveyDescription
33 Free Hymn accompaniments. Contains: AURELIA (The Church's One Foundation); AUS DER TIEFE RUFE ICH (Forty Days and Forty Nights); CAITHNESS (O For a Closer Walk With God); CRUSADER'S HYMN (Beautiful Saavior); EIN FESTE BURG (A Mighty Fortress); ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVOGELEIN (O Day of Radiant Gladness); HANOVER (O Worship the King); HELMSLEY (Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending); LAND OF REST (Jerusalem, My Happy Home); LAUDATE DOMINUM (O Praise Ye the Lord!); LLANFAIR (Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!); MORNING LIGHT (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus); OLD 113TH (I'll Praise My Maker); OMNI DIE (For the Bread Which You Have Broken); REGENT SQUARE in B-Flat and A (Angels, from the Realms of Glory); ROCKINGHAM OLD (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross); ST. ALBINIS (Jesus Lives! Thy Terrors Now); ST. ELIZABETH (Beautiful Savior); ST. FLAVIAN (Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days); ST. MAGNUS (The Head That Once Was Crowned); ST. THOMAS in F and G (I Love Thy Kingdom Lord); SINE NOMINE (For All the Saints); SOLEMNIS HAEC FESTIVITAS (The Sinless One to Jordan Came); STUTTGART (Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus); TALLIS' CANON or THE EIGHTH TUNE (All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night); THE FIRST NOWELL (The First Nowell); TRURO (Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates); UNSER HERRSCHER (Open Now Your Gates of Beauty); WAREHAM (The Church of Christ In Every Age); WEBB or MORNING LIGHT in B-Flat or A (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus); WINCHESTER NEW (On Jordan's Banks the Baptist's Cry); WINCHESTER OLD (While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks)
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