Digital Download

Rest in the Lord
Sixteen organ solos for funeral and memorial services. Titles include: Amazing Grace; But the Lord Is Mindful of His Own (from Mendelssohn's "St. Paul"); Fairest Lord Jesus (Beautiful Savior); For All the Saints; Great Is Thy Faithfulness; How Great Thou Art; I Know My Redeemer Liveth (from Handel's "The Messiah"); In the Garden; It Is Well With My Soul; A Mighty Fortress Is Our God; More Love to Thee, O Christ/O Love That Will Not Let Me Go; My Hope IS Built; Now Thank We All Our God; O God, Our Help in Ages Past; O Rest in the Lord (from Mendelssohn's "Elijah"); On Eagle's Wings.
Companion products (printed copies):
- Themes / Church Year:
- All Saints' / Remembrance
- Themes / Church Year:
- Baptism / Dedication
- Themes / Church Year:
- Dedication / Celebration
- Themes / Church Year:
- General
- Themes / Church Year:
- Memorial / Funeral
- Themes / Church Year:
- Name of Jesus
- Keyboard:
- Organ
- Themes / Church Year:
- Prayer
- Digital / Print:
- Digital

Rest in the Lord - digital download