Near the Cross - piano solos - digital download
A piano solo collection of 10 hymn arrangements by 10 composers for Lent, Holy Week and Easter, edited by Craig Courtney. Includes: All Glory, Laud and Honor by Dan Forrest; Beneath the Cross of Jesus by David Schwoebel; He Never Said a Mumblin' Word by David Lantz III; I Stand Amazed by Craig Courtney; Let the Whole World Cry Alleluia! By Penny Rodriguez; Near the Cross by Molly Ijames; The Quiet Heart by John Ness Beck; Rhapsody on HAMBURG by Howard Helvey; Thine Be the Glory by Joan J. Pinkston; Were You There? By Lloyd Larson
- Themes / Church Year:
- Ash Wednesday
- Themes / Church Year:
- Easter
- Themes / Church Year:
- Good Friday
- Themes / Church Year:
- Lent
- Themes / Church Year:
- Palm Sunday
- Keyboard:
- Piano
- Digital / Print:

Near the Cross - piano solos